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Our Courses
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From 20 Schweizer FrankenLoading days...
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From 20 Schweizer Franken
The level system explained
Our courses are designed to evolve gradually you skills.
They are curated so that they build upon each other and support your evolution in a fun and effortless way.
Beginners level
For who has never danced forró before or for who wants to revisit their foundations
Improvers Universitario
For who has basic foundations or has completed Level 1 .
This course will be focussed on learning repertoire figures based on Universitário style
Improvers Roots
For who has basic foundations or has completed Level 1 .
This course will be focussed on learning repertoire figures based on Universitário style
For who completed L2 Universitário and L2 Roots
This course will focus on more complex repertoire
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